Crossword - Level 1

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number. You have 3 minutes!!
1     2   3    
  4     5   
6   7       
 8     9    
10     11     


1. --- is my brother.
2. ---, it isn't.
4. I --- to school yesterday.
6. Can you --- a picture of a car?
8. Pleas come with ---.
9. The dog is --- the house.
10. I have --- apple.
11. Please come as fast --- you can.
12. --- is a good book.


1. I --- a cat when I was young.
2. This shirt is old. I need a --- one.
3. I'll see you --- Friday.
4. He --- very good at football last year.
5. --- comes before eleven.
7. Can you --- as fast as your dog?
9. It --- nine o'clock.
10. I --- a good student.
11. I'll meet you --- twelve.